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Delete a Bill

If you have made a mistake after entering a transaction, you can always delete the wrong one and start again. However, note that this is only available for unpaid transactions, whether it is a Bill or Invoice.

To delete a saved unpaid transaction, follow these steps:

Find the transaction that you would like to delete. You can find it in the Recent Bills and Invoices section or refer to Search Bills section for detail instructions on how to find a bill. Double-click on the transaction to open it.

Once you get into the transaction detail page, click on the Command button at the upper right corner.

In the popup ActionSheet, click on the Delete button. The transaction will be removed, and you will be brought back to the home page. Please refresh the data by pulling down the home page. This will ensure that all the latest updates and changes are reflected in the application.

Once refreshed, this transaction will no longer appear in the Recent Bills and Invoices section. The amount will also be deducted from the dashboard.

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