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Chart of Accounts

A Chart of Accounts is a listing of all the accounts used in the accounting system of a company or organization. It allows a business to keep track of its financial records in a systematic and organized manner.

  • To View Chart of Accounts in Miragebooks – To view the Chart of Accounts, simply click the hamburger icon at the upper left corner of the home page and select Chart of Accounts.
  • To Inactivate a specific account – If you want to make a specific account inactive and prevent it from appearing while creating journal entries, you can do so in the Chart of Accounts.

To do this, click the hamburger icon at the upper left corner of the home page, select Chart of Accounts.

Then double-click on the account that you would like to inactivate. In the example below, we would like to inactivate Rental account.

On the next page, toggle the Inactive switch to the right and click the Save button at the upper right corner of the page.

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